Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fun with Craigslist Buyers - 1st Edition

Fun with Craigslist Buyers - 1st Edition

  This is my newest topic for my blog. Fun with Craigslist. As a car broker and dealer, I list many vehicles on Craigslist because it is a popular place for people to search for cars. Along the way, I get some real strange and annoying "customers" so I've compiled some of the crazy stories I get when dealing with Craigslist buyers every week. As I was posting these on Facebook to rant, I was getting a lot of positive feedback on the amusement factor. So I took some of the best stories and will start reposting them here for everyone to read. 

 My misery is your entertainment! 

July 19th 2016

<craigslist rant>

What the hell is wrong with people? Do people in this society have their head so far up their ass and self-absorbed they can't comprehend what is decent anymore? I can't even blame a new generation, this issue spans several. Core values are disappearing. This isn't in reference to police shootings, the presidential race, or terrorist attacks. Nope, those are major issues my FB page can't not solve. But if you wish to interact with the lowest form of the public, just place an ad on Cragislist and see who contacts you. I swear I am going to start a new page/site called the People of Craigslist and post screen shots of my text messages. Granted there are good people out there too but 9/10 Craigstlist users suck. So here's the story/rant of the day.

I have many ads online for impounded vehicles that I am marketing for a towing company. My ad it states "Please, no text or calls past 9pm". I also state that if they are reading the ad, it’s still available and no need to ask if it’s for sale. The reason for this is I get 5-10 text a day from scammers asking this very question so I just delete the text to avoid their BS. Last night I get a text at 11:20pm asking "Hey, is your car still for sale" - Obviously he either didn't bother reading or just doesn't give a crap. 

This morning I text him back, "Thank you for your interest, as stated in the ad it is still available." The buyer says "do you really think you are going to sell your car being an asshole like this?" Wait? What? I'm the asshole? So I point out that it was very disrespectful to send a message at almost midnight when I politely asked not to. In which he replied "what difference does it make what time I text you? If I want to buy the car, you should sell it to me, even if it’s in the middle of the night. That's what's wrong with society, people are too fuckin lazy and no one wants to work anymore. I drive people around at 2am to god knows where and if I want to text you at midnight I goddamn will" I don't know what driving people around a 2 am has to do with any of this but OK? Maybe he's signed up with UberPissed?

I just reply "What is wrong with society is people like yourself have a sense of entitlement and no common respect for other people"

I then just block his number because arguing on the internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. Even if you think you've won, the pigeon is just going to strut all over the board shitting on everything.


</craigslist rant>


July 20, 2016

More Craigslist ranting.

I have determined that this BS I posted yesterday and today will go on my blog (This one)  I haven't updated in a while. I will then post the link by the weekend. Humanity is on a fiery spiraling downhill, I will report its demise.

Saturday, I was supposed to help my Bro-in-law move but three people wanted to come at 9am to buy cars. So I agree to meet everyone at the lot and hopefully I would be out of there by 11 to go into moving mode. I'm not going to turn down income.

9am: First guy shows up, tries to chop me $800 on an $1800 vehicle. I declined and very nicely said that's not going to do it. So we come to a price everyone was happy with. He then tells me that he was just going to put plates off his other truck on the Toyota 4Runner I was selling him and drive it back to Philly. I tell him I cannot allow him to do that. So he gets mad that I won't let him drive illegally. Hello? This is how cars wind up at the impound yard to begin with. He leaves and said he may come back on Thursday with a trailer. I'm not holding my breath. (edit: I never heard from the guy again) 

Customer 2: Shows up for a 96 F150 pickup. Truck isn't perfect but it runs and drives and cheap. Guy takes his time, looks at it, we go for a drive around the block, he buys, and all is good.

Customer 3: Confirms he is on his way but at 12:30 still does arrive or return my calls/text. I leave, annoyed but at least one vehicle sold.

Sunday: More "customers". Guy says I have cash and I will meet you there at noon. I leave my house, go to the lot, wait, they never show up.

Monday: Two people "on my way see you soon". I go up, both were ghosts.

Tuesday: Guy has been hounding me to buy this 4Runner says he is coming from Philly, is a dealer and an exporter and wants to buy the truck and maybe something else while he is there. I can tell by the way he talks he is half full of shit but I'll take the gamble. He says he will be there by 2pm. So I do what I have to in the morning, hop on the motorcycle and ride up to the shop. Guy confirms yes I'm on my way. I wait an hour for the guy. No show. I leave and go home. But I take the slow road back by the beach through Spring Lake, Sea Girt, and Manasquan on the motorcycle.

2 more people call me after I get home "I want to come tonight for your car" - I tell both of them contact me when you are 10 mins away. I'm not going to go all the way back to the yard in Asbury Park for nothing again. One guy never contacts me, the other was kind enough to let me know he can't get a ride down and will have to reschedule.

Now if I was at the lot all day, it would be much different because at least I am there already and I can do busy work but I am an independent contractor selling vehicles for multiple people. When I go to Asbury Park to meet someone, that's 40+ minutes round trip from Brick, plus the time I spend waiting for them that is completely wasted. It also throws off the tempo of the day. I explain to these people that I am not in the office but I will meet them there if they are seriously coming down. People just lost all respect for other people. I grew up that when you give your word on something, you do it. If you make an appointment, you show up. Don't make people wait for you when you have no intentions on not going.

I swear sometimes I think I am going to change careers and become a Kayaking Guide. (I’ve only kayaked once in my life)

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